CLC National Lobby Day – November 26, 2024

Participant Registration Form

*** Evening Plenary – November 25 at 6 p.m. – Registration opens at 5 p.m. – Shaw Centre, (55 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa) *** 

*** Evening Reception – November 26 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. ***

A reception invitation will be emailed to participants with their digital kits in advance.

DEADLINE for registering: November 1, 2024

Each participant must register. Please answer each field. This will ensure each registered participant is included in the scheduling with parliamentarians.

All participants must provide their cellphone number and email. On the CLC National Lobby Day, there are last minute changes and/or cancellations we need to communicate instantly with participants.

 First Name (required field)   
 Last Name (required field)  
 Affiliate (required field)  
 Street Address (required field)  
 City (required field)  
 Home Postal Code (required field)  
 Work Postal Code  
 Email (required field)  
 Is this your first time lobbying? 
 Cell: (required to communicate on Lobby day)               
 Language Fluency (required field)  
 Do you have any accessibility requirements? 
 Availability (required field)  
 Reception on the Hill with MPs and Senators. Do you want to be added to the guest list?
 Additional Information: (e.g.: connections to other ridings)